Where did Peter and his grandfather live?
What did the grandfather constantly repeat to the boy?
What is the character of the musical theme that describes Peter?
What is the character of the musical theme that describes the grandfather?
What happened when one day Peter forgot to close the yard door?
What did the duck do when it came out of the yard?
What did the duck and the bird argue about?
What did the duck and the bird do when the cat chased them?
What did the cat do when the terrifying wolf appeared from the forest?
What is the character of the musical theme that describes the wolf?
What did the wolf do then?
What did Peter do from the yard at that moment?
When he climbed onto the branch using the rope, what did Peter ask the bird to do?
How did Peter catch the wolf?
Who then emerged from the forest?
What did the hunters do to the wolf?
What is the character of the musical theme that depicts the hunters?